Atlas Cove Retrofit

The refit was done during a yard-stay in Port Louis, Mauritius, November 2017.

Vessel Information:
Built: 1999
Owner: Austral Fisheries
Segment: Trawler

Atlas Cove is a boat designed for long-line fishing and trawling. It is owned by Austral Fisheries, and operating in Australia’s sub-Antarctic ocean, fishing for Patagonian Toothfish.

Due to the critical operation in the remote areas in the Antarctic sea, the customer approached Høglund to get a reliable system with minimal need of maintenance, that could be trusted in the difficult conditions they were operating in.

The refit was done during a yard-stay in Port Louis, Mauritius, November 2017.

Australian Trawler, Atlas Cove

Old Engine Control Room

New Engine Control Room

Old IO cabinet

New IO cabinet