LNG Carriers and Bunkering Vessels

Bernhard Schulte Bunker Box
Using automation to meet the demands of a growing segment
As the popularity of LNG as a marine fuel grows, the LNG Carrier segment continues to expand, while a new generation of vessels is emerging to meet the growing demand for LNG bunkering services. Høglund is pioneering the automation of these vessels, creating bespoke solutions to ensure that their complex systems can interact reliably and efficiently.
Optimising Integration Høglund’s engineers can advise on the optimum level of integration for automated systems. Many systems currently advertised as ‘integrated’ may simply be composed of separate connected systems, with hardware and software from separate suppliers. This means that upgrading a system can be problematic, as not all parts of the system can be upgraded at once, leading to compatibility issues. It can also be difficult to identify faults in these systems.
By using integrated systems built on easily replaceable hardware from the same supplier, Høglund can alleviate these problems, increasing reliability and reducing lifecycle costs. HIgh levels of redundancy ensures minimal downtime for maintenance or upgrades.
LNG Systems LNG carriers and barges use boil-off gas to burn in their engines, which is processed through a fuel gas control system. This requires additional interfacing between the gas plant and the rest of the ship, drastically increasing the complexity of the automation. Certain types of bunkering barges must also extract vapour from receiving ships to use as fuel, a field in which Høglund has proven itself as an innovator. These unique systems can be integrated with the following to optimise efficiencies and allow users universal access to all systems:
- Power management
- Alarm and control
- Emergency shutdown
- Gas and fire detection systems
Simulation Høglund has created a unique simulator to train crew in operating the automated systems of an LNG bunkering vessels, demonstrating their commitment to raising the understanding of the importance of automation in this vital segment.